

We are looking for people who would like their work to have a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of others. We offer a comprehensive benefits package and are proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 查看我们的 employee rights and responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

To submit an application, view the current job vacancies below, and use the available links to apply. All application items must be submitted using this online system. If you experience technical issues with the application process, please contact us at 303.953.3600.


基金会很高兴地宣布我们正在寻找新的 社区投资副总裁 & 影响.

副总裁的角色代表了一个令人兴奋的机会,对于一个人来说,他对促进健康和福祉充满热情,并对慈善事业和CHF在加强致力于促进科罗拉多州健康公平的组织方面的重要作用深表赞赏. CHF寻求的是一种灵感和鼓舞, 熟练且经验丰富, values-driven leader to join the team at an important moment for Colorado, 瑞士法郎. 副总裁, CII是基金会执行领导团队的主要贡献者,负责赠款和社区投资的协作部署和影响, 到2023年总计超过1亿美元. 副总裁, CII will report to and work closely with the Chief 影响 Officer, who oversees the development and execution of programmatic strategies at the Foundation related to grantmaking, 影响投资, 学习与评价, 政策倡导. 副总裁,CII将领导社区投资 & 影响 department, directly supervising three portfolio directors. The CII team is a 23-person staff comprised of portfolio directors, 高级项目官员, 项目官员, 项目助理. 这次搜索由艾莉森·库普弗·波提特领导, 艾伦LaPointe, and Andrés Marcuse-González of the national executive search firm NPAG. To learn more about the position and apply, interested individuals can 在NPAG的网站上查看完整的职位简介. For any questions about the process or to let us know of your accessibility needs, 请发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

Applications will be reviewed as they are received until the position is filled.

The Foundation is happy to announce an opening for the position of 高级学习 & 评估人员

高级干事领导基金会的一个分支机构设计和实施学习和评价战略. 作为这项工作的一部分, 该职位负责制定和实施综合计划,将战略对话与学习和证据相结合, 设计和部署评估研究, and engaging the teams in learning that informs future strategy work and assesses existing work. The Senior Officer also supports aspects of organizational capacity building around strategy, 证据与学习, as well as creating and overseeing structures and practices for the 学习 & 评估团队改进和创新自己的实践. The Senior Officer will need to be able to apply principles of 股本 and equitable evaluation across all of their work.   

在基金会, we believe that keeping 股本 at the heart of our work will lead us to better health. 这是从内部开始的, 包括有意地应用多样性, 股本, and inclusion practices that guide how we operate and work in communities across Colorado. 例如,我们的基石旨在帮助确保:  

  • We serve Coloradans who have less power, privilege and income, and prioritize Coloradans of color
  • 我们所做的一切都是为了创造健康公平
  • 我们从社会和我们的服务对象那里得到信息

Candidates will have a personal commitment and connection with our mission and cornerstones; work well in ambiguity and managing change; and proactively identify opportunities to advance our mission while remaining grounded in the day-to-day responsibilities. They will need to be able to apply principles of health 股本 and racial justice across all of their work, as well as integrate concepts of strategy formation and refinement, 系统思考, 复杂性, 自适应/应急策略, 世界观和权力.  

The ideal candidate will have demonstrated expertise in the following key areas:

  • Designing evaluations to assess the progress and impact of strategy (beyond a single program)
  • Leading the design and implementation of learning practices for groups or organizations, 具有较强的组织和团队处理能力
  • Incorporating 证据与学习 into planning and implementation of organizational strategy
  • Demonstrated ability to center principles of 股本 in evaluation, learning and strategy work
  • 出色的批判性思维能力, 解决问题, and an ability to make decisions and see paths forward even when there is considerable ambiguity
  • Design and coordinate multifaceted and complex projects involving multiple stakeholders
  • Work both independently and collaboratively, within and across teams
  • Exceptional motivation to identify issues, innovate solutions, and continuously improve practice
  • 熟练使用微软办公软件


  • 学士学位
  • Minimum 8 years in lead roles that involved generating evidence, and supporting stakeholders to apply evidence to strategy decisions through robust learning practices
  • Demonstrated ability to center evaluation, learning and strategy work in principles of 股本
  • 有效的科罗拉多州驾驶执照  

It’s an exciting time to join the Foundation whose assets include a complex investment portfolio valued at approximately $2.7 billion and whose annual grant making is in excess of $100 million. We offer a robust benefit and wellness package, 401(k) match, and generous paid leave programs. 这个位置的范围是105美元,063-$141,作为免薪支付, 并有资格享受瑞士法郎的所有福利. This is a full-time position in Denver, Colorado with the exception of required travel. We work on a hybrid schedule of three days in-office (required) and two days remote. This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual to have a meaningful impact through their professional contributions. Interested candidates may submit their resumes and cover letters on the Colorado Health Foundation’s website (web.thy111.net).



马上申请 使用Indeed

The Foundation is happy to announce an opening for the position of 民意调查高级官员

民意研究高级主任管理社区咨询委员会,与在创新民意研究方法方面具有深厚专业知识的顾问团队密切合作. 这些团体合作设计和执行的研究不仅仅是通过民意调查来量化365APP下载对公共政策问题的看法,而是采用更深层次的定性方法,确定加强或削弱人们对促进卫生公平政策的支持的因素.

民意洞察高级官员将研究结果转化为对倡导者的信息传递指导,以加强他们就社会敏感话题进行有效和有说服力的沟通的技能. 该职位设计方法,与科罗拉多州的倡导社区和政策制定者分享基于研究的见解,将研究转化为战略行动,激活并说服不同意识形态的人们支持改善卫生公平的公共政策. 它在慈善领域扮演着独特的角色, 它还领导了一些创新项目,如制定信息传递指南,以支持COVID-19疫苗接种中的种族平等,该指南现已在瑞士卫生基金会的网站上发布.

365app安卓客户端是一个全州范围的慈善组织,为每个365APP下载的整体健康和福祉而奋斗, by advocating for and investing in solutions and policies that drive health 股本 and racial justice. 每一天, 我们与全州的组织和社区合作,打破阻碍健康的许多系统性不公平现象. Our work is guided by three cornerstone that are “must-haves” in all we do: 

  • 我们所做的一切都是为了创造健康公平
  • We serve Coloradans who have less power, privilege and income, and prioritize Coloradans of color
  • 我们从社会和我们的服务对象那里得到信息

Candidates will have a personal commitment and connection with our mission and cornerstones; work well in ambiguity and managing change; and proactively identify opportunities to advance our mission while remaining grounded in the day-to-day responsibilities. They will need to be able to apply principles of health 股本 and racial justice across all of their work, as well as integrate concepts of strategy formation and refinement, 系统思考, 复杂性, 自适应/应急策略, 世界观和权力.  

Ideal candidates will have the demonstrated skills and ability to: 

  • 从科罗拉多州的倡导社区收集反馈,设计一个定性的公众舆论研究议程,帮助倡导者了解他们如何有效和有说服力地与不同意识形态的受众就促进健康公平和种族正义的公共政策进行沟通
  • 将强大的项目管理和变更管理技能与高度的情商结合起来,可以与在有争议的问题上持不同观点的合作伙伴和受众成功地合作
  • 选择和管理能够进行定性和定量公众舆论研究项目的顾问,以表明对公平和包容的承诺
  • 为CHF设计并执行一个学习议程,以促进从定性民意研究中获得的见解在我们的宣传和传播策略方法中的应用
  • 与倡导组织制定参与战略,支持广泛采用从民意研究中得出的见解和信息指导
  • Contribute to strengthening the Foundation’s own capacity to communicate effectively, and to influence public policy as a senior member of the communications and policy teams
  • 在矩阵和相互依赖的团队中,以促进公平的方式,展示在制定和执行战略方面的专业知识

A 学士学位 that would prepare you to do the work of community change and centering health 股本. Eight year’s professional experience working in advocacy coalitions and stakeholder management, 沟通策略, 项目管理. 在开发组织将基于研究的信息传递指导应用于倡导传播战略的能力方面具有经验的申请人将优先考虑.    

It’s an exciting time to join the Foundation whose assets include a complex investment portfolio valued at approximately $2.7 billion and whose annual grant making is in excess of $100 million. We offer a robust benefit and wellness package, 401(k) match, and generous paid leave programs. 这个职位的起薪范围是$105,063-$123,410, 以免薪方式支付, 并有资格享受瑞士法郎的所有福利.  This is a full-time position in Denver, Colorado with the exception of required travel. We work on a hybrid schedule of three days in-office (required) and two days remote.  This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual to have a meaningful impact through their professional contributions. Interested candidates may submit their resumes and cover letters on the Colorado Health Foundation’s website (web.thy111.net).   


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